Stretching Exercises


There are a lot of different stretching exercises you can do, but here are just a few basic ones you can do at home or even at the gym.


How To Do It:

- Start with your feet just hip width apart

- Bend your knees and push them forward over the toes until you can't see them anymore, draw your abs together slightly

- Place one hand into the ide of your back, fingers pointing downward

- Squeeze your buttocks powerfully pushing your hips forward over the knees, then keep it squeeze to support your back

- Inhale and lift the other arm up whilst lifting your chest to the sky. Lift up more than back, keeping the back curve lengthened to avoid pinching the low back or back of the neck

- Keep breathing naturally, if you are shaking or breathing hard release the pose bringing your chin to chest inhaling at your rise tall again

- Hold for a breath or 2 and increase as you become more confident and strong


  1. How To Do It:
  2. - Stand with your legs parallel. Take a good posture with your tailbone pointing toward the floor, the top of your head reaching for the sky, and your shoulders relaxed.
  3. - Bend your right knee and step your left leg straight back onto the ball of your foot. Go as far as you are comfortable, but don't let your right knee bend past your toes. Keep your hips even. Think of your hip bones as headlights that have to point forward. Your chest is open and your gaze is straight ahead.
  4. - Rest your hands gently above your right knee for stability (do not press on your knee).
  5. - Straighten your back leg, but don't lock your knee. Let the lift come from the hamstring (back of the leg). Increase the stretch if you feel steady.
  6. - Keep your lower ribs and hip bones in the same plane and pull up through the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles to bring the pelvis up and back, opening the front of the hip joint. This is a small but powerful move where the torso shifts with the pelvis; it's not a backbend.
  7. - Use your abs to scoop your tailbone between your legs. This will help protect your lower back.
  8. - Hold the stretch about 30 seconds as you breathe deeply.
  9. - Release the stretch by supporting some weight on your hands and stepping the left foot forward to parallel legs position.
  10. - Repeat on the other side


How To Do It:

- Draw shoulder blades toward one another 

- Extend out of the low back

- Soft gaze forward

- Keep your chest open

- Hands in prayer position

- Elbows press into knees to open the hips

- Keep your feet flat on the floor


How To Do It:

- Sit up straight and tall with your knees bent

- Drop your legs to the sides and bring the soles of your feet together 

- Grasp your feet and ankles and slowly lean forward, keeping your spine straight

- Place your elbows on the tops of your thighs and gently press down until you feel a stretch


How To Do It:

- Sit on the floor with you feet together and your legs extended 

- Bend your right knee and bring the sole of your right foot close to your left thigh

- Exhale as you bend at the hips, slowly lower your torso and grab you left foot, ankle or shin

- Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then switch sides


How To Do It:

- Bring your arms straight out to the sides  and up over your head, reaching toward the ceiling

- Inhale and draw your spine up long

- As you exhale, begin to come forward, hinging at your hips

- On each inhale, lengthen your spine

- On each exhale, deepen into your forward bend


How To Do It:

- Start in Downward facing dog. Balance your body weight on the left leg. Inhale and lift up the right leg up to the sky.

- Exhale and bend your knee towards your chest, lowering down your hips.

- Place your knee on the mat between your hands, closer to the right wrist. Your ankle rests towards the side, in front of your left hip. The closer your bring your right shinbone parallel to the short side of the map, the stronger is the hip opener. Your left leg also comes down on the mat, straightening out backwards. Toes are pointing backwards as well and the foot sole faces towards the ceiling. Make sure not to turn your resting leg outwards. It should rest right behind your body.

- Try to plant your glutes on the ground, keeping your hip aligned.

- Now walk slowly back with your hands, placing them next to your glutes. Elbows are pointing backwards, shoulders come together to open your chest.

- Look in front, relax shoulders and neck.

- Inhale and lift up from your waist lengthening your upper body. Keep moving the shoulders away from the ears. Exhale and raise your gaze towards the sky, bending your neck.

- Feel the stability of a pigeon showing proudly its chest.

- Stay for a few breath in the pose.


How To Do It:

- Lie on your back with your knees bent

- Bring both knees into your hands and gently pull your knees to your chest

- Hold for 30 seconds


How To Do It:

- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor

- Thread your left arm through your legs and interlace your hands behind your right thigh

- Hold the pose and take slow, deep inhales

- Lower your feet to the floor with an exhale

- Repeat for other leg