Workouts For Stay At Home Moms

 Some tips & tricks for you moms out there who need advice on how to fit working out into your crazy schedule.

Sticking with a fitness routine can be a struggle for anyone. But for moms, squeezing in workouts can feel impossible. After all, how are you supposed to find time to for yourself when you can’t even go to the bathroom undisturbed?

1. CREATE A SCHEDULE & WAKE UP EARLY - I find making a schedule or list of things you need to get done that day can help out A LOT. Crossing off something on the list, feels incredible! Try to create a schedule that works for YOU. Try waking up earlier than your kid/kids, it may feel peaceful waking up before the craziness. Make a schedule and stick to it as best as you can. Yes, there are going to be days that are busier than others and it may be impossible - but do your best to stick with it, so you can feel accomplished at the end of the day. Looking back at the list of crossed out to-do things, gives you a great feeling. Knowing you had a productive day.

2. DESIGNATE A DAY TO MEAL PREP - This is EXREMELY important. Being a busy mom, it may often be hard to make a healthy meal - so you may just pick the easiest way out and possibly the least healthiest choice. Picking one day out of the week to meal prep for you & your kids will make week meals a lot easier. It will also give you more time during your busy day. 

3. GET SOME CARDIO IN - It doesn't have to be a lot or anything crazy. Simply take your kids for a walk around the neighborhood. Instead of watching them run around at the playground, join in and chase them around. Wake up early and go for a run or run during your lunch break. 

4. REST - Try going to bed on time. I understand that once you finally get your kid/kids down to sleep, you want to have your "me" time. Going to bed on time will give you plenty of rest, so that you can start your day earlier. Which will lead to a better and successful day!

5. INCLUDE YOUR KIDS - Yes! Kids have lots of energy, try getting them involved. Getting some alone time can be tough, so make them your workout buddy's. By involving them, it definitely can be fun and easier but also it will teach them that being active is important.

6. PIANO LESSONS FOR THEM.....PERSONAL TRAINING LESSONS FOR YOU - Between sports, after school activities & music lessons, kids can often be busier then parents. Use that time wisely and get your workout in then! While they are in their classes or at practice, go to a class at your gym or take some PT lessons.

7. DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP - Life happens. Some days may be busier than others, or important things come up unexpectedly. That's okay, it's life. Not everyday is going to go how you expect it too. Maybe one day you have 2 hours to dedicate to working out and another day you may only have a half hour - or maybe no time at all. Don't worry! 

8. REMEMBER WHO IS WATCHING - A habit that is also good to create is to remember that your children are watching you. As their mom, you are setting a great example for them. If you are eating healthy meals - they will too! Moms play the biggest rolls in their kids lives - it's up to you to set the bar high!